Source code for aiidalab_widgets_base.elns

import json
from pathlib import Path

import ipywidgets as ipw
import requests_cache
import traitlets as tl
from aiida import orm
from aiidalab_eln import get_eln_connector
from IPython.display import clear_output, display

ELN_CONFIG = Path.home() / ".aiidalab" / "aiidalab-eln-config.json"
    parents=True, exist_ok=True
)  # making sure that the folder exists.

[docs] def connect_to_eln(eln_instance=None, **kwargs): # assuming that the connection can only be established to the ELNs # with the stored configuration. try: with open(ELN_CONFIG) as file: config = json.load(file) except (FileNotFoundError, json.JSONDecodeError, KeyError): return ( None, f"Can't open {ELN_CONFIG!r} (ELN configuration file). Instance: {eln_instance}", ) # If no ELN instance was specified, trying the default one. if not eln_instance: eln_instance = config.pop("default", None) if eln_instance: # The ELN instance could be identified. if eln_instance in config: eln_config = config[eln_instance] eln_type = eln_config.pop("eln_type", None) else: # The selected instance is not present in the config. return None, f"Didn't find configuration for the {eln_instance!r} instance." # If the ELN type cannot be identified - aborting. if not eln_type: return None, f"Can't identify the type of {eln_instance} ELN." # Everything is alright, can populate the ELN connector # with the required info. try: eln = get_eln_connector(eln_type)( eln_instance=eln_instance, **eln_config, **kwargs ) except NotImplementedError as err: return None, str(err) eln.connect() return eln, None return ( None, "No ELN instance was provided, the default ELN instance is not configured either. Set a default ELN or select an ELN instance.", )
[docs] class ElnImportWidget(ipw.VBox): node = tl.Instance(orm.Node, allow_none=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, path_to_root="../", **kwargs): # Used to output additional settings. self._output = ipw.Output() # Communicate to the user if something isn't right. error_message = ipw.HTML() super().__init__(children=[error_message], **kwargs) eln, msg = connect_to_eln(**kwargs) if eln is None: url = f"{path_to_root}aiidalab-widgets-base/notebooks/eln_configure.ipynb" error_message.value = f"""Warning! The access to ELN is not configured. Please follow <a href={url!r} target="_blank">the link</a> to configure it.</br> More details: {msg!r}""" return tl.dlink((eln, "node"), (self, "node")) with requests_cache.disabled(): # Since the cache is enabled in AiiDAlab, we disable it here to get correct results. eln.import_data()
[docs] class ElnExportWidget(ipw.VBox): node = tl.Instance(orm.Node, allow_none=True)
[docs] def __init__(self, path_to_root="../", **kwargs): self.path_to_root = path_to_root # Send to ELN button. send_button = ipw.Button(description="Send to ELN") send_button.on_click(self.send_to_eln) # Use non-default destination. self.modify_settings = ipw.Checkbox( description="Update destination.", indent=False ) self.modify_settings.observe(self.handle_output, "value") # Used to output additional settings. self._output = ipw.Output() # Communicate to the user if something isn't right. self.message = ipw.HTML() children = [ ipw.HBox([send_button, self.modify_settings]), self._output, self.message, ] self.eln, msg = connect_to_eln() if self.eln: tl.dlink((self, "node"), (self.eln, "node")) else: self.modify_settings.disabled = True send_button.disabled = True self.message.value = f"""Warning! The access to ELN is not configured. Please follow <a href="{self.path_to_root}/aiidalab-widgets-base/notebooks/eln_configure.ipynb" target="_blank">the link</a> to configure it.</br> </br> More details: {msg}""" super().__init__(children=children, **kwargs)
@tl.observe("node") def _observe_node(self, _=None): if self.node is None or self.eln is None: return if "eln" in self.node.extras: info = self.node.extras["eln"] else: try: q = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, filters={"extras": {"has_key": "eln"}}, tag="source_node", project="extras.eln", ) q.append( orm.Node, filters={"uuid": self.node.uuid}, with_ancestors="source_node", ) info = q.all(flat=True)[0] except IndexError: info = {} self.eln.set_sample_config(**info)
[docs] def send_to_eln(self, _=None): if self.eln and self.eln.is_connected: self.message.value = f"\u29d7 Sending data to {self.eln.eln_instance}..." with requests_cache.disabled(): # Since the cache is enabled in AiiDAlab, we disable it here to get correct results. self.eln.export_data() self.message.value = ( f"\u2705 The data were successfully sent to {self.eln.eln_instance}." ) else: self.message.value = f"""\u274c Something isn't right! We were not able to send the data to the "<strong>{self.eln.eln_instance}</strong>" ELN instance. Please follow <a href="{self.path_to_root}/aiidalab-widgets-base/notebooks/eln_configure.ipynb" target="_blank">the link</a> to update the ELN's configuration."""
[docs] def handle_output(self, _=None): with self._output: clear_output() if self.modify_settings.value: display( ipw.HTML( f"""Currently used ELN is: "<strong>{self.eln.eln_instance}</strong>". To change it, please follow <a href="{self.path_to_root}/aiidalab-widgets-base/notebooks/eln_configure.ipynb" target="_blank">the link</a>.""" ) ) display(self.eln.sample_config_editor())
[docs] class ElnConfigureWidget(ipw.VBox):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._output = ipw.Output() self.eln = None self.eln_instance = ipw.Dropdown( description="ELN:", options=("Set up new ELN", {}), style={"description_width": "initial"}, ) self.update_list_of_elns() self.eln_instance.observe(self.display_eln_config, names=["value", "options"]) self.eln_types = ipw.Dropdown( description="ELN type:", options=["cheminfo", "openbis"], value="cheminfo", style={"description_width": "initial"}, ) self.eln_types.observe(self.display_eln_config, names=["value", "options"]) # Buttons. # Make current ELN the default. default_button = ipw.Button(description="Set as default", button_style="info") default_button.on_click(self.set_current_eln_as_default) # Save current ELN configuration. save_config = ipw.Button( description="Save configuration", button_style="success" ) save_config.on_click(self.save_eln_configuration) # Erase current ELN from the configuration. erase_config = ipw.Button( description="Erase configuration", button_style="danger" ) erase_config.on_click(self.erase_current_eln_from_configuration) # Check if connection to the current ELN can be established. check_connection = ipw.Button( description="Check connection", button_style="warning" ) check_connection.on_click(self.check_connection) self.my_output = ipw.HTML() self.display_eln_config() super().__init__( children=[ self.eln_instance, self.eln_types, self._output, ipw.HBox([default_button, save_config, erase_config, check_connection]), self.my_output, ], **kwargs, )
[docs] def write_to_config(self, config): with open(ELN_CONFIG, "w") as file: json.dump(config, file, indent=4)
[docs] def get_config(self): try: with open(ELN_CONFIG) as file: return json.load(file) except (FileNotFoundError, json.JSONDecodeError, KeyError): return {}
[docs] def update_list_of_elns(self): config = self.get_config() default_eln = config.pop("default", None) if ( default_eln not in config ): # Erase the default ELN if it is not present in the config self.write_to_config(config) default_eln = None self.eln_instance.options = [("Setup new ELN", {}), *list(config.items())] if default_eln: self.eln_instance.label = default_eln
[docs] def set_current_eln_as_default(self, _=None): self.update_eln_configuration("default", self.eln_instance.label)
[docs] def update_eln_configuration(self, eln_instance, eln_config): config = self.get_config() config[eln_instance] = eln_config self.write_to_config(config)
[docs] def erase_current_eln_from_configuration(self, _=None): config = self.get_config() config.pop(self.eln_instance.label, None) self.write_to_config(config) self.update_list_of_elns()
[docs] def check_connection(self, _=None): if self.eln: err_message = self.eln.connect() if self.eln.is_connected: self.my_output.value = "\u2705 Connected." return self.my_output.value = f"\u274c Not connected. {err_message}"
[docs] def display_eln_config(self, value=None): """Display ELN configuration specific to the selected type of ELN.""" try: eln_class = get_eln_connector(self.eln_types.value) except NotImplementedError as err: with self._output: clear_output() display(ipw.HTML("&#10060;" + str(err))) return self.eln = eln_class( eln_instance=self.eln_instance.label if self.eln_instance.value else "", **self.eln_instance.value, ) if self.eln_instance.value: self.eln_types.value = self.eln.eln_type self.eln_types.disabled = True else: self.eln_types.disabled = False with self._output: clear_output() display(self.eln)
[docs] def save_eln_configuration(self, _=None): config = self.eln.get_config() eln_instance = config.pop("eln_instance") if eln_instance: self.update_eln_configuration(eln_instance, config) self.update_list_of_elns()